Rebel lords plot to bring about the downfall of the monarchy,leaving Gondor's future in the hands of a grief stricken Faramir, who finds himself...
Thorongil has to fight unexpected obstacles.
A dangerous criminal on the loose in Minas Tirith causes problems
for Aragorn.
3rd Place 2008 MEFA--The One Ring is not the only ring that brings peril to the Heir of Isildur. (Also 1st Place Teitho winner for "The Sea...
“Can I call you a friend? A friend trusts at all times."...
“Why can you not?"
- Written for Teitho July'08...
As Faramir and Aragorn struggle to cope with the scars left by their ordeal, their wives take action to try to reconcile King and Steward. No one suspects...
Newly returned from fighting the Easterlings, Denethor is taken aback to find a stranger at his father's table.
A short glimpse into Aragorn’s new life as king…
Attempts to forge better relations with Harad cause problems for Aragorn and Faramir.
Faramir is unhappy about an agreement Aragorn plans to sign.
From the moment he first beheld him, Thorongil was a thorn in
Denethor's side.
Even the mightiest are not exempt from accidents.