Only Water In Your Veins by Michelle - [Reviews - 4]
(Wordcount: 5917 - Reads: 3487)
A foray into the enemy's land goes awry and Aragorn finds himself in a perilous situation.

Out of the Depths by lindahoyland - [Reviews - 1]
(Wordcount: 3175 - Reads: 7219)
When Aragorn is ambushed and falls over a cliff,Faramir despairs of his lord's survival.

Oasis by Radbooks - [Reviews - 1]
(Wordcount: 677 - Reads: 2065)

Thorongil is having a difficult day in Harad.

Tongues of Men and Angels by lindahoyland - [Reviews - 1]
(Wordcount: 5571 - Reads: 2022)

Attempts to forge better relations with Harad cause problems for Aragorn and Faramir.

Three Wise Men by lindahoyland - [Reviews - 1]
(Wordcount: 1298 - Reads: 2076)

Faramir is unhappy about an agreement Aragorn plans to sign.

Ransom by MP brennan - [Reviews - 18]
(Wordcount: 54912 - Reads: 54622)

As the son of a poor family of Harad, Hakim thought he knew what to expect out of life.  But, when a stranger stumbles onto his land after escaping...

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