It is October, T.A. 3000, and the Dúnedain continue to dwindle, a scattered remnant held together by hope in their Chieftain. But what happens when...
Nursing a case of the sniffles, shivering in the wet and cold, Aragorn passes a miserable birthday… until he remembers a gift given him long...
As Pippin told Denethor, "The strongest man can be killed by a single arrow." And the strongest Dúnadan can find himself brought to his...
Aragorn and Estel... facets of the same jewel? Is it not all in the details? As always, the characters and premise belong to Professor Tolkien. ...
One-shot. A moment in the life of Aragorn as he serves Ecthelion under the guise of Thorongil. Please R&R.
The Moon on the Breast of the New-Fallen Snow by Dreamflower - [Reviews - 1]
(Wordcount: 199 - Reads: 1909)
Two guardians spend their holiday doing their duty… (a double drabble, 200 words).(Wordcount: 199 - Reads: 1909)