Mirach Contact Author

Member Since: 02/27/09

I'm an university student from Slovakia.

There are many things that I like to do: reading, fencing, wandering in the mountains, climbing trees, drinking from wells, swimming in the lakes... simply being on the world.

And writing, or course =)

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Stories by Mirach [12] Series by Mirach [0] Reviews by Mirach [36] Podfics by Mirach [0] Mirach's Favorites [6]
Stories by Mirach
Isildur's Code by Mirach [2 Reviews]

A mysterious note is found in the archives of Minas Tirith. The three hunters meet again to hunt for a treasure, while Arwen just tries to tell something to her husband.

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Faramir, Gimli, Legolas | Genres: Humour | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 01/28/12 | Updated: 01/28/12 | Words: 2810 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2320

Tree of Life by Mirach [2 Reviews]

When Aragorn found the sapling of the White Tree upon the slopes of Mindolluin, it was seven years old. When the first leaf of its ancestor opened, Isildur was healed. When did the new tree begin to grow, and why? 1st place in Teitho "Trees"

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn | Genres: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 09/09/11 | Updated: 09/09/11 | Words: 6403 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2014

The Name of a King by Mirach [2 Reviews]

Aragorn just joined the Dúnedain, after his true name has been revealed to him. He is not Estel anymore, but he does not feel like Aragorn either. Between the two names, he has to find out whe he really is. Features Aragorn, Barrow-wights and Tom Bombadil

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Tom Bombadil | Genres: Adventure, Drama, Hurt/Comfort | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 5 | Published: 08/05/11 | Updated: 08/16/11 | Words: 7477 | Completed: Yes | Read: 21018

Hope of a Star by Mirach [2 Reviews]

A sequel to Gil-Estel. Eärendil watches the events of the War of the Ring, and the events after it. Some of them touch him more deeply then if would seem, and at the end - what is the hope of the Star of High Hope?

Category: Third Age - War of the Ring | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Elrond, Frodo, Galadriel, Gandalf | Genres: Drama | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 11 | Published: 12/17/09 | Updated: 08/21/10 | Words: 25536 | Completed: Yes | Read: 69933

When the Stars do not Shine by Mirach [1 Reviews]

What if Eärendil does not sail, just when his light is most needed? What delayed him? And will Aragorn survive this night? 2nd place in Teitho: Return of the Light

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn | Genres: Angst, Drama | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 04/28/10 | Updated: 04/28/10 | Words: 3771 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2864

The Tale of Love by Mirach [1 Reviews]

Cerin Amroth is a special place for Arwen.

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR, Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen | Genres: Angst | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: Character Death | Chapters: 2 | Published: 04/10/10 | Updated: 04/10/10 | Words: 1757 | Completed: Yes | Read: 5997

To See the Light by Mirach [1 Reviews]
We are trapped in eternal shadow. Who shall call us from the grey twilight? Who shall give us freedom? Will he dare to walk our paths – the Paths of the Dead?
Category: Third Age - War of the Ring | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn | Genres: Angst, Horror | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 02/17/10 | Updated: 02/17/10 | Words: 2246 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2422

Crossroads of Light and Shadow by Mirach [4 Reviews]
In a rainy night, Aragorn walks through the Midgewater marshes. But not all paths lead to good ends, and dark things lurk at the crossroads… A story with sound and visual effects =)
Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Gandalf | Genres: Horror, Crime | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 11/17/09 | Updated: 12/20/09 | Words: 5193 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2915

Gil-Estel by Mirach [8 Reviews]

A story about hope and despair, as Eärendil the Eternal Mariner watches from above the last of Elros' descendants battle for his life. This is a real-time story, updated every day - now complete

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond | Genres: Angst, Drama | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: None | Chapters: 17 | Published: 09/24/09 | Updated: 10/09/09 | Words: 20387 | Completed: Yes | Read: 126927

The Song in the Darkness by Mirach [9 Reviews]

AU. After the battle on Pelennor fields, Aragorn is captured by the Nazgûl and brought to the Dark Tower. His will is the only thing that stands between Sauron and the One Ring. Complete!

Category: Third Age - War of the Ring | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Frodo, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, Manwe, Nazgūl, Sam, Sauron | Genres: Angst, Drama | Language: English | Rating: M | Warnings: AU | Chapters: 14 | Published: 02/27/09 | Updated: 06/09/09 | Words: 30185 | Completed: Yes | Read: 99493

The Taste of Victory by Mirach [1 Reviews]

There is a custom among the heirs of Númenor before the meal to stand silently and look towards the West. The feast on the Fields of Cormallen is ready, and Aragorn honors that custom and contemplates about the road that led him here. Written for Teitho: Eat, Drink and Be Merry

Category: Third Age - War of the Ring | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Frodo, Sam | Genres: Angst | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 06/01/09 | Updated: 06/01/09 | Words: 2507 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2008

The Grace Given to Me by Mirach [2 Reviews]

How do you know that today is the day to die? How do you spend your last day? The thoughts of Aragorn.

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Eldarion | Genres: Drama | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: Character Death | Chapters: 1 | Published: 03/20/09 | Updated: 03/20/09 | Words: 1975 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2653