Mirach | 06/06/09 11:21 am | 1: Asylum | Signed |
I ve read this story with one breath yesterday, and then it replayed in my head over and over before falling asleep. And this can mean only one thing - it's a very very good story!
Author's Response: Grin..., glad you enjoyed it that much :-). Thanks for telling me. |
C.J. | 01/02/09 09:29 pm | 1: Asylum | Anonymous |
@__@ Whooooaaa! Awsome job! Is there gunna be more? *crossing fingers*
Author's Response: Thanks :-) - but no, I am not planing to write more in this special AU scenario. I wish I could, but the muses simply do not strike. |
jess | 12/06/08 09:42 pm | 1: Asylum | Anonymous |
Another wonderful story, but does it end here?! OMG, this is set up perfectly for some kind of continuation. It is a beautifully angsty piece and another testament to their friendship. Well done, jess
Author's Response: Uh, I am very late in anwering..., and my answer will be unsatisfacotry, I fear. No, I would not be able to write a solution to the crime/exile-arc, it is simply not in me..., but if anyone wants to give it a try... ? hinthint... ;-) Thanks for your review! |
Silivren Tinu | 05/21/08 06:27 pm | 1: Asylum | Signed |
Since I've seen that you've written more than one story your stories have been on my to-read-list, and now I've finally managed to finish reading this one. Once again I really enjoyed how you describe Aragorn and Legolas' friendship, and, in this case, also the way it came into being. Their reactions and feelings felt completely true to me, and I liked watching how they grew closer and slowly began to trust each other. I really loved the idea of Legolas becoming a member of Aragorn's family (I often tend to see him as one, anyway *g*). I've enjoyed this story very much! :)
Author's Response: Uh… thanks :-). I am glad you enjoyed it - and that I managed to write their characters believable. Just for once I had to explore the idea of letting them become ‘real’ brothers :-). Hope you'll enjoy my other stories as well. |
Tari Surion | 01/28/08 08:42 pm | 1: Asylum | Signed |
WOW! This is..... it's more than amaizing it's indescribable. In other words I love it. Tari,
Author's Response: ... never thought I'd manage to render someone almost speechless... :-). Glad you loved it, and thanks for telling me about it! |
Cris | 12/12/07 06:22 am | 1: Asylum | Anonymous |
I enjoyed your story. Nice job in developing the relationship between Aragorn & Legolas. And I really liked the scene with them battling the orcs. *Very* dramatic scene after Aragorn asked for asylum on Legolas's behalf. Nicely done. (Some good planning on Aragorn's part and some noble self-sacrificial intentions on Legolas's part.) Only two little quibbles. I'm assuming Aragorn was wounded in the thigh rather than his tight. Secondly, Elohir says, "he never stops to amaze me." I'm assuming you meant 'he never stops amazing me' or 'he never ceases to amaze me'. Overall, a somewhat unusual first meeting story done well. Thanks for sharing.
Author's Response: *blush*... thanks for your kind words :-). Yes, the scene after asking for asylum is for me also the most intense one, I remember when I wrote it, I was literally shaking while writing...
Uhm..., and about the mistakes... LEO - help..., ooops..., oh, of course I meant thigh... :-). For the other I just have to take your word :-). Thanks for pointing it out, I will change that at least in my copy. |
Lestė | 11/01/07 06:05 am | 1: Asylum | Anonymous |
Very good. Thank you for sharing. |
sushi | 10/18/07 11:08 pm | 1: Asylum | Anonymous |
I have just read this story in a single sitting, and really enjoyed it. It was amazing!
Author's Response: ... wow... thanks... |
Michelle | 10/06/07 11:29 pm | 1: Asylum | Signed |
Have I mentioned that I love fics that depict their first meeting? I never tire of those stories, or the endless possibilities authors come up with. You covered quite a bit of ground with this - the incognito elf prince, the stealthy ranger, the first tentative meeting, the slowly building trust, the friendship and in the end true brotherhood. But I hope you do realize that this CALLS FOR A SEQUEL!! Legolas so needs to have his name clears. Obviously there's some kind of treason going on in Mirkwood and it's better the whole Rivendell gang travels there and uncovers this mystery. Only after Estel has recovered, of course:) So, without further babbling... I hope you post more soon *begs*!
Author's Response: ... grin... OK, now I am going to admit something... I only stumbled on the reviews to my own story by accident, while googling the net for new stories... I read your review, and thought, oh, there's a story I might want to read..., and only while trying to figure out what story could be meant it slowly dawned that it is actually mine :-). My first reaction was panic..., my second..., well, even more panic ;-)... yes, I can hear you all groan: 'oh my, a newbie'... ;-). Uhm, but sorry... better hold out no hope for a sequel (except it suddenly appears in one of my dreams, for I can write only what I kind-of dreamed before... I wouldn't mind have the whole gang appear in my dreams though ;-), at least not as long as they themselves solve the trouble they tend to get into... :-) ).
Kara McPherson | 10/01/07 04:10 am | 1: Asylum | Anonymous |
This is a wonderful story and you have done a great job on it. There were a few hairy scenes when it got kind of confusing like when they were fighting the orcs, and when asylum was being granted, but overall it was wonderfully written.
Author's Response: ...uh... blush... thanks for your kind words :-). Sorry for the confusion-parts though. If I ever manage to finish another story and get up the nerve to post it I hope I will do better (or have figured out the 'beta-ing'-concept by then :-) ). |