The "Buried" Series by Pentangle [ - ]
Summary: A 15 year old Estel learns to accept things he cannot change, to trust in the love of his family and friends, and finds strength undreamed of residing in his own heart.
Categories: Third Age - Pre LOTR
Characters: Aragorn, Elrond, Glorfindel, Legolas
Genres: Angst, Drama
Language: None
Warnings: None
Parent Series: None
Open Series: Closed

Buried: Ascension by Pentangle [16 Reviews]
Legolas is both the one in peril and the hindrance in Aragorn's plans to save him.

This is part 3 of a series.

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: | Genres: Angst | Language: English | Rating: K | Warnings: None | Chapters: 6 | Published: 12/03/05 | Updated: 01/02/06 | Words: 25457 | Completed: Yes | Read: 20475

Buried: Revelation by Pentangle [8 Reviews]
Estel returns to Imladris, bringing with him fears unresolved in Mirkwood.
Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: | Genres: Humour | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: None | Chapters: 4 | Published: 10/30/05 | Updated: 11/14/05 | Words: 7025 | Completed: Yes | Read: 16598