Amarok07/18/09 09:28 pm1: Heart of the ForestSigned

I am so out of the loop, I havn't even read the Teithos.... and now I see what I missed :-). I like this little interaction between the two friends. And at least for me it is a nice twist that Legolas gives hope to Aragorn concerning the resoration of Mirkwood, and not the other way around. In my mind it would be hard to not lose hope after seeing Mirkwood only in darkness for so long, and I like Legolas' faith here.

Author's Response:

Hey Amarok *waves madly*! Haven't seen you around in a while, it's so good to see you're back - and with a new story no less. That's how I like it:)

Well, you know me. My Legolas rarely needs someone to pat him on the shoulder and tell him "It'll be all right". It's mostly the other way 'round!

Silivren Tinu05/17/09 11:56 am1: Heart of the ForestSigned

I loved this story, Michelle! It was one of my votes. :) Mirkwood always fascinates me and I think Aragorn would have a hard time warming up to it, too. *g* I loved Legolas' conviction that Aragorn would see Greenwood one day - the two of them are always so good at given each other hope.

“I just hope I will not get eaten by spiders before it happens,” Aragorn added as an afterthought.

That comment made me grin! ;-)

Author's Response: Maybe it's my arachnophobia tainting my judgement, but I think Mirkwood may be hard to love. I guess it's one these places where you have to dig deep to find the beauty.

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