Legs1812/31/06 08:30 pm4: PartingAnonymous
    I'm running out of words to convey how awesomely amazing this is. So...it is. Awesomely amazing, i mean.

Author's Response:

Hi again, wow, you have really been busy reviewing! LOL, thanks for the 'awesomely amazing', I'm glad you like my stories so much! :)


Legs1812/31/06 08:22 pm2: A Touch of MagicAnonymous
`Awww!!! Once again, I love how you depict the growing bond between the two.

Author's Response:

I have to say it is really fun to write about the beginnings of their friendship. I would have LOVED having a wood-elf as a friend as a child... well, I still would. *g* Thank you very much for another review! :)


Legs1812/31/06 08:18 pm1: A Danger in the NightAnonymous
    This was absolutely hilarious! I could easily picture an eight year old Estel reacting like that. Love the pillow throwing...it was the perfect mix of humor with angst.

Author's Response:

Hi! :) Once the idea popped up in my head I simply couldn't resist writing it. *g* I'm glad you enjoyed the story, thank you very much for reading and reviewing!

Tinu :) 

lwarren07/28/06 03:30 am3: Secret PlacesAnonymous

Now you really made me cry!  How very beautiful and apt that Estel would 'hope' that Legolas' special place would be returned to him.  Hope is so pure and simple when it comes from the heart of a child.  I found the Teitho Contest site today (I had seen it mentioned in some of your stories and some of the others on this site and was curious.)  The August prompt concerns proverbs and I found this Scottish proverb that seems to describe the heart of this story:  Were it not for hope, the heart would break.  I think Estel will do this over and over for his elven friend - remind him that there is always hope.  Beautiful, Tinu.  Words fail me.


Author's Response:

Really? That's wonderful - I mean, I am sorry I made your cry. *g* I had a feeling Estel would live up to his name quite early, and I have a feeling Legolas really needed this "spark of hope" in his life. The Teitho Contest can really be fun as it is all about Aragorn and Legolas and I'm addicted to writing about them anyway (it seems you are, too ;-). Wow, that proverb is SO BEAUTIFUL! It makes me want to use it for a story or something - hm, but you are right: it already fits in very well with *this* story. Thank you for sharing it with me! I like to collect friendship quotes, perhaps I should start collecting proverbs, too. :) How true - this proverb says exactly what Estel will always be for his friend - you know, it would fit in perfectly with your stories, too. ;-) Thank you so much for your review!

Tinu :)

lwarren07/28/06 03:19 am2: A Touch of MagicAnonymous

*sniff*  I LOVE THIS!  I have a special place in my heart for Legolas and his trees.  When he was walking through the garden, thinking how good it was to be outside, smell the fresh air and flowers in bloom, I kept thinking "and he'll get to be around some healthy trees for a change."  I think you read my mind, Tinu!  I am now going to gush a bit - I LOVE the old oak and how Legolas goes to it immediately.  I love how it welcomes him with its song and how the branches and leaves rustle when there's no wind.  That is so very elvish to me.  I suppose I might liken my feelings to those of Estel - wonder and surprise and awe.  I wish I could talk to the trees!  :-)  "Estel's eyes widened as the leaves began to rustle again, a soft, almost...murmuring...sound.  'I think I hear it,' he whispered, wonder in his eyes."  Exactly...yes indeed.  Marvelous, absolutely marvelous, Tinu.  (ok, gushing over.)

Linda  (I really liked this one - it is so very Legolas and really sets up the developing friendship between him and Estel.)  I'm finished now...maybe.





Author's Response:

LOL - it seems we were thinking along similar paths once again. I always loved Legolas' special connection to nature and his being a wood-elf. As a child I always wanted to talk to trees and was quite insistent about it, though without much success. *g* But that didn't stop my imagination - it's so wonderful to be able to express all these dreams through Estel and Legolas and their oak now! I really liked writing about Legolas and that tree, and having Estel witness the "magic". That is absolutely Elvish to me, too. I can take some gushing from time to time, you know? *blushes a discreet pink* LOL. I'm glad you love this, and are fascinated by the same things as I am! :)

Tinu (I just love writing and reading about Legolas' wood-elven side... and I think little Estel has captured my heart, too. *g*)


lwarren07/28/06 03:04 am1: A Danger in the NightAnonymous

That's right, Tinu!  We scream loud and long and not a Wood-elf in sight!  How rude!  :-)  Now I really like this story!  Your little Estel is a sweetie and I see he has Legolas wrapped tightly around his little finger.  He should feel very safe indeed with his own mighty wood-elf warrior to protect him!  I like the way you built the tension so quickly right there at the first - all with Legolas' reaction to the scream. 

"I knew you would save me...My brothers told me you were a mighty warrior and fight spiders all the time."  Awwwwww, what a sweetheart!  There is no defense against the 'adoration' (good word) of a little one like that!  Of course, the scream brought everyone in the house to witness Legolas' bravery, but really, I'll bet they appreciated it more than he was embarrassed. 

Yes, no unauthorized weapons practice tonight - just sweet dreams for the sweet Prince. *clears throat noisily*  hmmmm, excuse that outburst!  I like the relationship between Elladan and Legolas - you show it quite clearly in just a few words...'a pillow hit him square in the face.'  I guess that's Silvan for "Shut up and let me sleep!"  *g*  Neat little story, Tinu!


(I have to tell you a story - when I first married we had a problem with mice getting into our home through the dryer vents.  Very early one morning, we heard this enormous SNAP! and my husband leaps out of bed to see what's been caught in this trap he set.  I turned on the light to the sight of my husband in his underwear, with cowboy boots on and a BB gun in his hand! *sigh* My hero - not exactly a wood-elf, but he did just fine!  We eventually got rid of the mice and I NEVER let him live that down! LOL)

Author's Response:

Isn't it really mean, cruel and heartless to make us live in a world without wood-elves? *sniff* Especially when there are so many SPIDERS! Hehe, I guess Estel has captured Legolas' heart forever (I'd really like to be little Estel). I loved writing the first part of the story, I would SO like to see Legolas face when he realizes what he is aiming at. *g*

Sicne writing that I really wonder how poor Estel will react when he discovers what variety of spiders Legolas is fighting against all the time... Yes, they may have all been smirking, but I guess they were rather touched by Legolas' actions. ;-)

*giggle* That's where you see how close their friendship is - they are able to communicate without words! *eg* Now that's a very interesting interpretation of the Silvan language - is it canon? LOL. I'm glad you enjoyed the story - it is more a parody, but I really couldn't resist writing it! ;-)


(Aww, that's sweet! If he had taken a bow instead of a gun it would have been a perfect wood-elf - well, almost. *g* Perhaps I should write another story about mice? LOL!)

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