Timmy2222 | 03/20/07 12:59 pm | 5: 5. Fight or Flight? | Anonymous |
Guess I'm an impatient person, so I think that maybe the chapter could have been a bit shorter, but that's just me. I wonder where the assassin will wait for the rangers. I'm quite sure he's up to some kind of assault from a good position so that he - if need be - can escape quickly. - T. |
Timmy2222 | 03/20/07 12:30 pm | 4: 4. Out of the frying pan and into the fire | Anonymous |
All right, still the situation can get worse! A warg, who would have thought of that? And the assassin? Where did it go? Did he lose contact? Does he think Aragorn's dead? Well, I don't believe that. Nice to have the rangers cuddling. Must be a surprising sight... maybe for the young rangers if they turn and find Halbarad and Aragorn there? <g> -T. |
Timmy2222 | 03/19/07 08:39 pm | 3: 3. A Rock And A Hard Place | Anonymous |
"I need to see if you have a concussion." "No need to, I have one." That was priceless. LOL!! So the poor rangers have lost their horses and Aragorn is wounded worse. Bad subpositions to continue their journey, hum? Shouldn't Halbarad try and find the nafarious assassin, who doesn't show up? If he's alone in the woods/ on this hunt Halbarad should be able to get to him before he tries again to kill Strider, right? Oh, you really got me wanting more! One tiny detail: if you are an experienced rider, the first thing you do if your horse rears or threatens to throw you is to kick your feet free off the stirrups. Just MHO. - T.
Author's Response: Ah well, I am not an experienced rider. Readers who read more of my stories will rather quickly find out that horses are not my thing. Bad memories and experiences with horses, I fear. But I will remember that detail for future stories. Thanks for pointing that out to me! :o) |
Timmy2222 | 03/19/07 08:23 pm | 2: 2. On The Road Again | Anonymous |
And still the reader does not know the name or who sent the assassin. Bad for the rangers, that! Splitting up does not seem to be the wisest of ideas Halbarad had. But you leave us with quite a cliffhanger... - T.
Author's Response: Haha, well, I have been told that I am evil with those cliffies. Sometimes readers simply need some angsty cliffies, makes them review more. *eg* Btw, I like your stories. I never came around to review, but Castle and Untrodden paths were realyl good. ;) |
Timmy2222 | 03/19/07 08:13 pm | 1: 1. Bad Luck | Anonymous |
Ah, nice... well, I should not say that, right, when it comes to the famous ranger being injured... OK, how's this: I really like the way you show us around in the Prancing Pony and the situation Aragorn and his fellows are in. And then, suddenly, the situation changes and the reader is left to wonder who the stranger in the stable might have been. Hey, he's up to something bad, but *how* bad we only learn later when he or someone he hired tries to kill Strider. Well, that was more telling.... Looking forward to more. - T. |
Michelle | 09/24/06 01:51 am | 10: 10. Where The Heart Is | Signed |
Whoa! Quite a story you wove from that prompt! I especially enjoyed how you made their surroundings an additional enemy. They constantly have to battle the element, look for cover, see where to go or not to go. Make the story feel very real and threating in my opinion! And of course all the angst and h/c was an added bonus *winks*. My personal favourites? In the 1rst chapter Halbarad's "I swear, you looked exactly like …” - I wish you'd tell me what he was about to say! Can I bribe you? Threaten you? Anything? I'd love to know, I'm curious! Aragorn's “Why, my plans always work out in the end.” in chapter 8. This was such an A-Team moment. Simply marvellous! Just the cigar was missing, but that wouldn't really fit anyway. Maybe Aragorn should puff his pipe while saying that sentence:) And I loved Halbarad being all heroic. I'm growing fonder of him the more fics I read that feature him. He's such a great character! A good friend, good ranger, loyal to a fault. You just have to adore him. And his insight into Aragorn's character in the last chapter: "And Aragorn’s heart…that had to be in so many places at the same time, caring for so many people…" That sentence did me in. Brilliant. I think you manage to sum up Aragorn's dilemma in ONE SENTENCE. I'm awed!
Author's Response: Oh gosh, I feel so happy now after reading this. Yes, me too. The more I read/write about Hal, the more I respect and adore him. Of course, I am writing him to be that way, but I could not write or see him otherwise. He creates so many plot bunnies... What Aragorn looked like? I remember what Iwas thinking about, but I won't tell. Let your imagination run free. Thanks for the review. Made my day. ;) |
Tardolien | 07/19/06 09:27 am | 1: 1. Bad Luck | Anonymous |
Hello imaqiniqma! Now it is time, that I give your a review - but not only for the story "The Assassin"! I love all your storys and don't become enough of it! Every day I visit this page to have a look, if there is an update! So please, write again and make me the joy to continue your storys! Nice wishes from germany, Tardo
Author's Response: Thank you very much for the review. I am glad you enjoy my stories. That is why I write them. Oh, I am a bit tardy with updating here and mostly update first on ff.net. Have fun! |