Legs18 | 01/04/07 12:35 am | 4: Child's Insight | Anonymous |
I have enjoyed this story immensly so far, but I feel that this chapter echoes what I have felt all along: that Estel cannot be six years old. Even in middle earth, raised by elves, with a tragic childhood, a six year would not understand half of what is going on and would defnitely not respond as Estel did. Even 10 years would be stretching it, although that would be more believable.
Author's Response: I am sorry you didn't like the way I have portrayed little Estel, but I have to wonder; if you don't like my writing why do you read it? This incident is actually based on an encounter someone I am very privileged to know had with his very young son. While I concede that with most children and most families it is out of the realms of possibility; if such encounters are possible in our world then I would expect that such would be possible when it involves one such as Estel, with his abilities, his heritage and his elven family. |
Eleiel | 10/27/06 10:16 pm | 8: Dream Revelations | Signed |
A pleasing ending to a sad, that is melencholy, begining. It is another masterfull peice of story telling. I would evy you, but I would probably spend all my time wrtting and none doing my school. An a Eru Eleiel
Author's Response: school comes first *smile* but writing can be a very enjoyable hobby *grin* I'm glad you enjoyed it. |
Eleiel | 10/27/06 10:07 pm | 7: Royal Fury | Signed |
I have always wondered what elves did with ork bodies. i dint think they would bury them. Would they burn them like the Rohirim did? It is just one of those silly unanswerd questions that are so unimportant, yet bugs to to death. Oh, and i dont think the twins would cry. i dont know what they would do, but somehow crying just doesn't fit. But perhaps it is the only solution. never the less, in is en excelent chapter, I enjoyed it very much.
Author's Response: I think it would depend on the situation and location. In Mirkwood they would probably just leave them where they fell, the spiders would clean them up and they could neither risk the time to take care of it or a fire in the forest. Rivendell probably handles them differently, the twins quite possibly just leave them; to bother with them would be to give them a measure of respect. Other's from Rivendell likely have different approaches, I have a feeling Glorfindel would insist on doing something. All I can really say is my view on it, which may or may not be right. Sometimes exactly what someone is least likely to do is the one thing most needed. The twins hadn't dealt with their grief ever, they'd been sitting on it for centuries. It had to come out or it would eventually destroy them, and tears wrung from someone who doesn't cry are more healing then otherwise. I'm glad you enjoyed it *smile* |
Eleiel | 10/27/06 09:53 pm | 6: Mislaid Charge | Signed |
heehee, that is rather funny! Of course O would do the same thing if I was in the same place as the Captain, but since I am not I can snicker at him *sncker,snicker* I bet yor pardon if that sounds strange to you, but I have a srange sense of humor.
Author's Response: I have a strange sense of humour too *grin* |
Eleiel | 10/27/06 09:47 pm | 5: Unexpected Request | Signed |
that is very manly of legolas, and very brave, I imagine that the state of bloodwrath the the twins are now in it could be very dangerouse. I am inching to read how he convinces them to come home.
Author's Response: yes it is very dangerous, but he couldn't just leave friends out there like that. |
Eleiel | 10/27/06 09:43 pm | 4: Child's Insight | Signed |
That is good, and very poignant. I wish I cold do that as easily as you seem too. Again, I salute you.
Author's Response: *blush* thanks |
Eleiel | 10/27/06 09:31 pm | 3: Unwelcome Tidings | Signed |
good! I have a rather soft spot for Tharanduil, because he reminds me of my dad. I love the Way you have portrayed him here.
Author's Response: thankyou *grin* I like Thranduil. When I first started writing him it was rare to find him written this way, but I'm obviously not the only one who sees him like this though *smile* |
Eleiel | 10/27/06 09:26 pm | 2: Steadfast Service | Signed |
hmm, if it wasn't for my staunch german ancesters, i would probably cry. I know the fear that gripd Elronds, when three years ago my mother almost died. the fear and aguish and helplessness. well done.
Author's Response: I hope I didn't awaken too many dark memories. |
Eleiel | 10/27/06 09:17 pm | 1: Royal Despair | Signed |
wow. Your skill with words is truely amazing. Again it is so easy to canect these charicters with the one Tolkien created. Amazing.
Author's Response: *blush* thankyou |