Michelle10/14/12 12:16 am3: Chapter 3Signed

A great gapfiller - I've always liked stories about the sealonging. And what I like best is your ending: That you actually stop before they take the Paths of the Dead and before Legolas hears the gulls. The story works better without that, because Legolas has made his decision. We all know how this turns out in the end...

Amarok12/05/10 01:23 pm1: Chapter 1Signed

As always, this is a great friendship-fic from you. I loved how you described the conflict of telling or not telling a true friend of the consequences of a difficult decicion the other has to make. Your solution was a surprise to me (that Eowyns words finally make it clear for Legolas what he has to do)... but now I can relate to how Legolas decides much better than I could have otherwise.

Author's Response:

Thank you! Legolas's choice what path to take and if to tell Aragorn was indeed difficult, but it made sense to me that he would keep his fears to himself for as long as possible. It shows a greater strength of character, and, in a way, a greater strength of friendship (even if Elladan and Elrohir argue that Legolas's course of action is not what is best for Aragorn in the long run). And I thought there was a similarity between Legolas's and Eowyn's situations - she does not expect to survive the Paths if she rides there, but she would still do it for love of Aragorn. But the choice is taken for her, while Legolas does have a choice and is not trapped as she is.

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