Justine11/25/11 09:14 pm1: Chapter 1Anonymous

Hi, I've found this wonderful site sveral days ago...this story is just amazing! and whole site, as a matter of fact, is! I'm still searching the net for other sites with LOTR (mainly Aragorn, Aragorn&Legolas, but not slash) ...

Amarok12/05/10 01:54 pm1: Chapter 1Signed

As you luckily tell the reader more than poor Elrond and the others know, I could enjoy the many misunderstandings of the story a lot :-). Hehe..., I like this kind of mixup, the thought of Glorfindel as Aragorns wife and the angsty elements, eg while poor Aragorn lies in the coffin..., all in all it made for relaxing light reading, the whole vampire-thingy with Gandalf and his smoke figures. Thanks for an enjoyable hour :-).

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! I'm glad the story managed to amuse you. I have always found it easier to write drama and angst, rather than humour, so whenever I succeed in writing something that can count as 'light reading', I am quite happy! And, of course, humour is good, but I still couldn't resist filling the story with as much Aragorn angst as would fit inside :-)

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