cairistiona04/03/09 03:32 pm1: For All EternitySigned

Ah, this was lovely... I imagine the question of separation haunts any friendship between the Firstborn and Secondborn.  Legolas and Aragorn, Aragorn and Elrond, Elrond and Arwen... maybe even Elrohir and Elladan if they make separate choices as did Elrond and Elros.  They all must have that question foremost in their minds:  will I see you again?  Can I hope?  Dare I hope?  

Very thoughtful treatment of this topic... and I liked the bit of humor at the end: “No one else would survive through a simple conversation with you.”

How true! 

Author's Response:

I'm very glad you enjoyed this story, Cairistiona! It's really sad that any  friendship between the Firstborn and the Secondborn inevitably has to end with separation and tragedy, but I guess it's als what makes such a friendship so rare and special. The topic really is quite fascinating. For my part, I would like to believe that Firstborn and Secondborn can meet again sometime, somewhere - anything else would be almost unbearably sad.

Hehe, somehow I always need my stories to have a bit of humour in them (even if it is only a tiny little bit *g*). LOL, I could imagine your Halbarad saying exactly the same thing about Aragorn.

Thank you so much for your review! :)

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