Michelle09/30/07 08:44 pm4: EncounterSigned

Aha? A reason for his nightmares? Poison as well? That would really be bad for those two, something like the blind leading the deaf or something:)

I feel we have not seen the last of those orcs, even more so if both groups are heading in the same direction. Doesn't bode well for our heroes. 

Author's Response:

Your guesses are too good, lol! It seems we think alike, you and I. ;-) Yes, Legolas being poisoned would really be bad, so of course I had to poison him. :D 

Now why wouldn't we have seen the last of those orcs? *looks very innocent* Perhaps they manage to get lost and run into some spider webs. Okay, I wouldn't believe a word of that, too. *g*

Michelle09/29/07 11:58 pm3: ReunionSigned

Uohhh, silly ranger! Of course he is not wounded and everything is totally fine. NOT! At least Legolas noticed and they know what they're dealing with. Even if it's nothing good.

So you will give me Aragorn angst *hugs you*. This is so good. Not many things beat a poisoned ranger:) 

Author's Response:

Aragorn is *always* fine. *g* He may be bleeding all over the place, be poisoned, or have been almost crushed by a troll, but he's fine. Adel verpflichtet, I guess (no idea how to say that in English, lol). He really needs friends to take care of him. ;-) 

Of course Aragorn has to join the fun, I really wouldn't want him (or any Aragorn fans) to feel neglected or something. :D Yes, I definitely like my elf and my ranger poisoned, too. :) 

Michelle09/29/07 11:35 pm2: A Glimpse of HopeSigned
You're evil, but I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you that. So at least we know how Legolas ended up in that situation. But is he dreaming or isn't he? Somehow I fear it's not as easy as Aragorn appearing out of the woodwork and saving the day.

Author's Response: No, you're not the first, and I take that as a compliment. *bg* I have no idea why, but for some reason it seems Aragorn's arrival was not really very reassuring for anyone. *polishes halo* In a way it is as easy as that, and in a way it isn't - but once again I guess you know that already. ;-)

Michelle09/29/07 11:15 pm1: TrappedSigned

Okay, I've got my oreos and I've got my comfy blanket (damn, it's cold in here), so I'm all set to finally jump into this story.

You don't waste any time, do you? Poor Legolas, you don't give him a breather. Now, how did he end up there? And where is Aragorn? That little allusion further up doesn't bode well. Were they together and the orcs left him for dead? Inquiring minds want to know!

Now, before I read on, I fear I have to feed the cat. He insists. 

Author's Response:

Yay, lots of reviews in my inbox! :D I thought it might have been you when I saw that they all came from NAN. ;-) I have to say reading them put a big smile on my face - I love your sense of humour! *g* Now on to the replies.

It's cold here, too - I like to sit close to my heater huddled in my blanket while reading, at least when I don't have to do it at the computer. ;-)

Why waste time when I can torment elves and rangers instead? *eg* I thought I would try starting a story at the worst point for a change. Aragorn is definitely noticeably absent, which usually doesn't mean anything good. Actually, you were quite close to the truth with your guess, but I think you know that by now.

LOL - first things first! Pets can be insistent, can't they? :D Thank you so much for your review! :) 

lindahoyland08/28/07 04:22 am14: EpilogueSigned

It's good that all ends well. This has been a gripping and touching story,which I enjoyed.Thank you for a good read.

Author's Response:

Thank *you* so much for all your reviews, I'm glad you enjoyed my story and the way I ended it! :)


Michelle08/26/07 01:07 pm14: EpilogueSigned
Ah, *hyperventilates*. It's done!!! Now I only need to find time to read it. I'm really looking forward to it:)

Author's Response: Yes, now it is finally done! I don't know yet whether to be sad or relieved, lol. I'm glad you're already excited about reading this story! :D I'll be looking forward to your reviews, whenever you find the time to read it. :)

lindahoyland08/08/07 02:19 am11: The Will to LiveSigned
It is good to see them both getting better.They are a tough pair !

Author's Response:

Yes, they definitely are! ;-) I think they are glad to finally be safe and together again, too. Now they can take all the time they need to recover from all I did to them. *g* Thank you so much for your review! :)


lindahoyland08/08/07 02:13 am10: To the Last BreathSigned
A very dramatic scene !

Author's Response:

Thank you - it was probably a little bit mean! ;-)




lindahoyland07/31/07 04:12 am8: GriefSigned
I love Aragorn's heroism here in wanting to save Legolas

Author's Response: It must have been so hard for Aragorn to be so helpless and unable to save his friend or protect him - the only thing he could do was to try and make Legolas leave. I'm glad you liked his heroic efforts! Thank you so much for your review! :)

lindahoyland07/31/07 04:09 am9: Facing the EnemySigned
Legolas' grief is very touching.What a dreadful plight they are in !

Author's Response: I guess the only good thing is that things really can't get much worse. ;-) I was always fascinated by elven grief and wanted to explore it a bit more in this story, so I'm very happy that you liked the way I wrote Legolas' grief in this chapter! I certainly wouldn't want to be in their shoes now. Thank you so much for reeading and reviewing! :)

lindahoyland07/23/07 05:48 am7: The StormSigned

I rtather like storms like Legolas,but not to be out in them.

Things certainly look black for our heroes at present !

Author's Response:

I love storms, too, but I really don't like being trapped in one during a hike. ;-) At least I haven't been pursued by orcs yet.

Yes, the both of them really have a lot of problems at the moment, and I'm afraid it will get worse. *g* Thank you very much for reading and reviewing! :) 

lindahoyland07/18/07 03:23 am6: RestSigned
A touching h/c scene, which was very well written. It is hard to know which of these two is suffering the most.

Author's Response: I have to admit that I only like the hurt-scenes because I get to write/read the comfort-scenes afterwards. ;-) I'm very glad that you liked this chapter! It's indeed difficult to decide which of the two is suffering the most - when one suffers physically, the other suffers emotionally. Thank you very much for reading and reviewing - I've been a bit frustrated lately by the lack of reaction this story seems to get, so you've definitely just made my day. :)

lindahoyland07/14/07 08:30 am5: ConfrontationSigned
This is a good angsty story.I like the way you depict the bond between the friends.

Author's Response:

Thank you, Linda! :) I'm very glad that you like the story! My heart has always been in reading and writing friendship stories, so it means a lot to me that you like the way I describe their friendship.


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