kestrels05/12/07 04:28 am6: A New DayAnonymous

Ah, but Real Life has kept me from reviewing this wonderful chapter. (I think Real Life is only going to get worse for me for a while, unfortunately.) 

 I love how you are building Estel's relationship with Elladan, that you are allowing him to finally see who Estel is becoming, for Elladan to begin to have faith and confidence in him. Elladan certainly can't protect him from everything, especially if he is the one that is to regain the thrown, and fight the forces of Sauron. (Which, of course, we know he is, even if Elladan doesn't.) Being a parent myself, I understand that protective nature, but I also understand that everyone has to grow up sometime, and take responsibility for themselves. I see Elladan's role shifting from that of protector to that of supporter as Aragorn continues to mature and grow. I also know that he will always have the urge to protect him anyway. 


I hope I am making sense with my review, for I'm dead tired, but found great enjoyment after a long day in reading this installment of the story. I look forward to the next update, for I truly love your take on the twins and their relationship with Aragorn. Very well done, and a great pleasure to read.


Author's Response:

Thanks for reviewing again Annette.  I love to hear from you!

I know only too well about that dreaded "real life" as it is keeping me from writing as well.

I'm so glad that you are enjoying how I am building Estel's relationship with Elladan.  I see the change in their relationship as a gradual process, and yes, you are right, Elladan has to learn how to give up that role as protector and let Estel grow up, altough I think he will always still have that tendency to protect.

I'm glad that you are enjoying the story so much, and the next chapter is coming right up.

peredhil lover 


kestrels04/19/07 05:18 am4: The Dark of NightAnonymous

An Estel/Elladan bonding moment! Very nicely done! I particularly like how Estel "felt" that he had to touch Elladan, and that his touch ended up healing him. And that he felt reluctant to tell Elladan what had actually happened, for that seems very much in character. 

Elladan's vision is also a nice touch in this moment, cementing the "great challenge" he seems to have set for himself all along--to protect Estel. (Though he says "fight along side," he has been protecting him for so long, I wonder if he can let some of that go.)


My favorite line in the story: "No doubt it is due in no small part to your stubborn nature and your hard head." LOL! I think he should have been telling Elladan about his stubborn nature well before this! (Although, it is, I suspect, self-evident to everyone, including Elladan.) I come from a line of stubborn people myself, and count myself well among them. :-)


Author's Response: Thanks for the kind words kestrels.  I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.LOL--I think that Elladan is well aware of his stubborn nature, though I'm sure that Estel would have loved to tell him how stubborn he is on many occasions, but Estel has always been rather soft-spoken and deferential, as well as always trying to win Elladan's affection.  At this point, however, he feels that he has little to lose.Thanks again.  I love getting your reviews.peredhil lover 


kestrels04/18/07 04:17 am3: TwilightAnonymous

Wow, what a great battle scene! I felt the whoosh of the troll hammers all the way through cyberspace!

 I like how you have Estel and Elladan battling together, and that Elladan finally gets a glimpse of the man, the competent warrior, that Estel is becoming. 

 And the horribly cliff-hanger ending to this chapter? I enjoyed the chapter so much, I don't even mind it. (Much...LOL! :-)

Author's Response:

Thanks, kestrels, I appreciate the review.

I was a little apprehensive when it came time to sit down and write this chapter for I had never attempted a battle scene before and  it is nice to know that you enjoyed it and found it believable.

You won't have to wait long with the cliff-hanger ending, for I'll post the next chapter right now.  More Estel and Elladan coming up!

peredhil lover 


kestrels04/15/07 01:47 am2: DawnAnonymous

Eeek! The trolls are coming! Eeeek!

 Another wonderful chapter, and you wrote the dialogue between Glorfindel and Elladan to perfection! I can see Elladan's more human, changable and perhaps, hot-headed nature showing, and I truly got a sense of how he and Glorfindel have built up a history over the ages.

 Well done! Now bring on the trolls! 



kestrels04/14/07 11:41 pm1: The first day of marchAnonymous

This is very well done! I just discovered your work, and enjoyed both of your stories. You have built a wonderful depth to the characters, and I especially like how you have distanced Elladan from Estel, but for some very loving reasons. 

 I look forward to future updates! I'm not presently a member of this site, but my email is Are you posting your work anywhere else? I regularly read on as well.



Author's Response:

Thanks so much for reviewing!  I always like to get new readers on board and I love feedback.  I'm so glad that you are enjoying it so far. 

Actually, I have posted all my stories over at under the same name -- peredhil lover.  There you can read "Day and Night" in its entirety and also a few more stories, but please, don't forget to leave reviews--I do so love to hear from readers and it truly is motivating for me to keep going.

Thanks again,

peredhil lover 



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