Michelle10/15/07 08:34 pm1: Growing DissentSigned

Here I am, finally:)

You jump right in, do you? And it doesn't look too good for our heroes. They seem to be surrouned by scheming nobles who are trying further their own agendas. Not good, not good at all.

I liked the beginning - the fever. We tend to forget that things like viruses and bacteria were unknown for a very long time and it seemed very unlikely for people that something invisible could cause illnesses. You captured that very convincingly. 

Author's Response: Many thanks for your much appreciated review. I'm pleased you liked the way the story started.You are right,things look very bleak indeed!

Radka05/20/07 07:00 pm65: Broken is our BondSigned

OK, so may I ask, who or what is LJ? I know that Iam repeating myself,but I am quite curious.The story is just great, though it was really LONG.  Please anwer when you will be mailing me. And aother question-when you will end the Burden of Guilt, will you write  that another story, about wich we should ask your LJ?Your description of Aragorn, Faramir, and their relationship is just perfect.I really fancy you.PLease keep writing.

hope you know who am I?I have the same penname on lotrfanfiction. 

Author's Response:

Many thanks for your much appreciated review. Lj is Live Journal where I post news about my latest stories


I do hope to write more sequels.

I'm pleased you like the way I write Aragorn and Faramir.

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