Amarok02/06/08 11:54 am1: The Long Way HomeSigned
Oh my..., this one had me in tears, when Legolas decided to leave alone, when his siblings could not see what he needed, and he didn't want to destroy their happiness...

It is a great story. I was looking for a bit of insipiration into how Legolas' past might have looked like, and I got so much more than I ever bargained for.

Also I got a view into how it might be to have siblings... I had no idea what I am missing ;-). Especially Lainfea caught my heart. The changes from almost-warrior-like she had to be to survive to the small elfling she truly is..., it was done great...

... and also so many references to 'The hobbit', which luckily I got to some parts because I am currently reading it :-)... I love your interpretation how the enchanted river came to be enchanted in the first place.

(And I was very amused by the pairing of Borka and Lovis... hehe... I wonder what Mattis and Undis would have to say to that... ;-) )

izzy10/18/07 10:01 pm1: The Long Way HomeAnonymous

This is absolutely amazing; it's like J.R.R Tolkein wrote it himself!

Tarien Lakilea Tel'anor05/19/05 08:23 am1: The Long Way HomeAnonymous
That was a GREAT story. I always try to give at least one bit of constructive criticism so...there were a few typos some sentences that didn't quite make sense because words being repeated or left out. But that wasn't much. I just loved this story. You really made me feel for all of the characters. The dialouge was great. Good job! :)

Michelle03/27/05 12:45 am1: The Long Way HomeSigned
*awwwww* The ending was so sweet! And the meeting of Thranduil and Lainfea, priceless! And even though it had a lot of action, I liked the emotional, psychological stuff best. Very strong writing! I'm very much looking forward to the sequel now! I predict a lot of emotional angst ahead:)

Mornflower03/26/05 06:35 pm1: The Long Way HomeSigned
I read this whole story today and I just have to say...This is one of the best stories I have ever read in my life! It was SO awesome! Oh my gosh! I am story! I mean it had everything! Action, Angst, Love, Pain, Emotion, Comfort EVERYTHING! ~*Mornflower*~

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