Can't help but like Pippin here. Yes, between all the hobbits he's the one who is putting his foot in his mouth most often, but on the other side he's also very earnest. Even if he messes up, he has a gentle heart, is trusting - but not simpleminded. I think that came across very well here.
And of course I loved the whole interaction between Pippin and Aragorn - reversed roles and all (Pippin as the "caretaker")!
Author's Response: Thank you! It was a lot of fun to write a hobbit, especially Pippin, taking care of Aragorn. It's such an inconguous picture, somehow. And yes, I've never seen Pippin as the "Dopey" of the hobbits, sweet but brainless. I think he's simply young, but not simpleminded. Glad you liked this! |