Michelle01/03/10 08:54 pm2: Chapter 2 - Mettarė InterruptedSigned
Oh wow, do you think Aragorn can come by sometime and bring *me* Mettare gifts? That's quite a collection he wants to give Denlad. Who will receive them at some point in the story, right? Because I'm with Aragorn on that one, I think he needs an official reminder to convince him that he's welcome.

Author's Response: Thanks, Michelle!   Oh, wouldn't it be great to have Aragorn come by laden with gifts!  Of course, Denlad's are all things he needs... I imagine at any other season they might be presented somewhat more prosaically, but hey, it's Mettare!  And yes, Denlad needs to know in a very practical and tangible way that he's welcome.  Aragorn's definitely planning to see to that. :)

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