Language: English
Fire and Smoke by Tauriel [0 Reviews]

A group of friends, enjoying a sunny afternoon. What could possibly go wrong?

Category: Third Age - War of the Ring | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Merry, Pippin | Genres: Angst, General | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 06/17/13 | Updated: 06/17/13 | Words: 1766 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1470

The Sound of Laughter by MP brennan [2 Reviews]

In Rivendell, Estel's life is nearly idyllic.  But, the world outside remains dark.  When he encounters a wounded and traumatized child, Estel learns the meaning of loss, but also the meaning of healing.

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Erestor, Gilraen, Ivorwen, Original Character | Genres: Drama, Hurt/Comfort | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 2 | Published: 06/13/13 | Updated: 06/17/13 | Words: 12687 | Completed: Yes | Read: 4628

The Scent of Home by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

Aragorn tells Faramir tales of his travels.

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Faramir | Genres: General, Humour | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 06/14/13 | Updated: 06/14/13 | Words: 1119 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1252

The Wizard and the Goatherd by MP brennan [2 Reviews]

Chance drove Aragorn to Harad, but desperation drove Gandalf to follow him.  A fortuitous meeting on the edge of the Haradwaith.  A timestamp to "Ransom."

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Gandalf, Original Character | Genres: General | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 06/03/13 | Updated: 06/03/13 | Words: 3394 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1540

Strangers by MP brennan [1 Reviews]

For better or for worse, Aragorn left his mark on Harad.  A sequel to "Ransom," though it's not necessary to read that story first.

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn | Genres: Adventure, Angst | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: None | Chapters: 3 | Published: 05/17/13 | Updated: 06/02/13 | Words: 21705 | Completed: Yes | Read: 7672

Desert Stars by Tanis [1 Reviews]
A drabble featuring a lonely Aragorn.
Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Legolas | Genres: Angst, General | Language: English | Rating: K | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 05/18/13 | Updated: 05/18/13 | Words: 99 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2105

The Ragged Edge of Legend by MP brennan [3 Reviews]

Sauron has fallen, but as he waits for Gandalf's return, Aragorn isn't ready to celebrate.

Category: Third Age - War of the Ring | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Eomer | Genres: Angst | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 05/11/13 | Updated: 05/11/13 | Words: 1589 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1636

To Save or to Salvage by MP brennan [2 Reviews]

Azzam is determined to save Aragorn--by any means necessary.  A timestamp to my fic, "Ransom."

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn | Genres: Angst, Hurt/Comfort | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: None | Chapters: 2 | Published: 05/07/13 | Updated: 05/07/13 | Words: 8477 | Completed: Yes | Read: 7337

Ransom by MP brennan [18 Reviews]

As the son of a poor family of Harad, Hakim thought he knew what to expect out of life.  But, when a stranger stumbles onto his land after escaping the Mountains of Shadow, he and his family see their lives upended.

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Original Character | Genres: Drama | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: None | Chapters: 12 | Published: 03/25/13 | Updated: 05/01/13 | Words: 54912 | Completed: Yes | Read: 51897

The Day The Stranger Came by cairistiona [1 Reviews]

A widow of Rohan has an unexpected visitor. A birthday short story for Lily Baggins. Rated for some mild adult humor and medical/injury details (there be blood...) Many thanks to Nath, Curiouswombat and the rest of my LJ friends for the beta! Middle-earth and all its environs and inhabitants belong to Tolkien; thank you, good Sir, for creating such a lavish playground!

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Original Character, Thorongil | Genres: Hurt/Comfort | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 05/01/13 | Updated: 05/01/13 | Words: 8459 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2380

Protectors by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

Aragorn protects his people in many ways.

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Halbarad, Original Character | Genres: Adventure, Angst, Drama, General, Horror, Humour, Hurt/Comfort | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 04/19/13 | Updated: 04/19/13 | Words: 2691 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2181

Oaths of Allegiance by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

Faramir takes an oath of fealty to two very different liege lords.

Category: Third Age - War of the Ring, Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Denethor, Faramir | Genres: Angst | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 04/14/13 | Updated: 04/14/13 | Words: 1322 | Completed: No | Read: 1510

Blood in the Snow by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

Aragorn fights to save a young Ranger's life.

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Halbarad, Original Character | Genres: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance | Language: English | Rating: K | Warnings: None | Chapters: 2 | Published: 03/29/13 | Updated: 04/07/13 | Words: 2966 | Completed: Yes | Read: 5179

And the Darkness Did Not Overcome It by MP brennan [1 Reviews]

Estel has a nightmare.  A birthday ficlet for Rachel (rs9).

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Elrond | Genres: General | Language: English | Rating: K | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 04/05/13 | Updated: 04/05/13 | Words: 1558 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1905

Grace Bestowed by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

 Shortly before his death, Aragorn says goodbye to an old friend.

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn | Genres: Supernatual | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: Character Death | Chapters: 1 | Published: 03/31/13 | Updated: 03/31/13 | Words: 798 | Completed: No | Read: 1533