Genres: Romance
Starlight Rapture by lindahoyland [1 Reviews]

Aragorn and Arwen enjoy a romantic interlude.

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen | Genres: Romance | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 02/14/13 | Updated: 02/14/13 | Words: 617 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1628

Challenges by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

An ongoing series of  ficlets, drabbles and double drabbles written for Challenges held in the LOTR GFIC Group

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR, Third Age - Pre LOTR, Third Age - War of the Ring | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Boromir, Denethor, Eowyn, Faramir, Imrahil | Genres: Angst, General, Romance | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 17 | Published: 02/18/12 | Updated: 11/22/12 | Words: 4096 | Completed: No | Read: 46937

The Brightest Star by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

Aragorn and Arwen comfort an ailing Eldarion.

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Eldarion | Genres: Fluff, General, Humour, Hurt/Comfort, Romance | Language: English | Rating: K | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 10/05/12 | Updated: 10/05/12 | Words: 1504 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1606

Magical Moment by Ellynn [1 Reviews]

Across distance the eyes of a man meet those of a woman and the world falls away from them. Second place on August Teitho contest, theme "First Meetings".

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Arwen | Genres: Romance | Language: English | Rating: K | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 09/17/12 | Updated: 09/17/12 | Words: 667 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1539

Decisions by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

Aragorn makes a difficult decision.

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Gandalf, Gilraen | Genres: General, Romance | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 08/22/12 | Updated: 08/22/12 | Words: 1683 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1573

In Need of a Wife by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

Aragorn walks beneath the birches

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen | Genres: Humour, Romance | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 07/30/12 | Updated: 07/30/12 | Words: 616 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1540

Smoke gets in your Eyes by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

Arwen loves everything about Aragorn save one thing.

Category: Third Age - War of the Ring | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Faramir, Legolas, Pippin | Genres: Humour, Romance | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 06/26/12 | Updated: 06/26/12 | Words: 2328 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1563

Return to Middle-earth by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

A series of drabbles and ficlets written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2011.

Category: Third Age - War of the Ring, Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Beregond, Eldarion, Eowyn, Faramir, Frodo, Gandalf, Gimli, Halbarad, Legolas, Merry, Original Character, Pippin, Sam | Genres: Drama, Fluff, General, Romance | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: Character Death | Chapters: 18 | Published: 03/02/12 | Updated: 06/08/12 | Words: 4071 | Completed: No | Read: 74022

The Sacrifice by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

A chance discovery brings back memories for Faramir.

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR, Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Denethor, Faramir | Genres: Angst, General, Romance | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 06/08/12 | Updated: 06/08/12 | Words: 1107 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1458

Crowning Glory by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

A series of drabbles writtenn for the "Tolkien Weekly" "Hairdessing" Challenge

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Eldarion, Eowyn, Faramir | Genres: Angst, Fluff, Humour, Romance | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 11/18/11 | Updated: 11/18/11 | Words: 977 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1413

The Dark Tower by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

Aragorn and Faramir explore a forbidding tower, which is said to be
haunted.  Written for the BTME challenge and revised and reposted for
this season.

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Faramir | Genres: Adventure, Drama, Horror, Humour, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Supernatual | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 11/02/11 | Updated: 11/02/11 | Words: 1611 | Completed: No | Read: 1695

Beneath the Midsummer Moon by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

Midsummer’s Eve proves a time of both dreams and nightmares for Captain Thorongil.

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Denethor, Ecthelion, Original Character, Thorongil | Genres: Adventure, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 10/05/11 | Updated: 10/05/11 | Words: 2986 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2076

Empty Heart by Ellynn [1 Reviews]

Love brings joy, but it can also break one's heart. Written for February Teitho theme: Heart Break. 2011 MEFA Third Place in Ficlet: Later Age Elves.

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen | Genres: Romance | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 04/02/11 | Updated: 04/02/11 | Words: 849 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2099

Beneath the Birches by lindahoyland [1 Reviews]

A pensive Arwen encounters a stranger

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen | Genres: Romance | Language: English | Rating: K | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 02/17/11 | Updated: 02/17/11 | Words: 553 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2060

Inspirations by lindahoyland [0 Reviews]

A series of drabbles inspired by film titles written for "Tolkien
Weekly" Prompts.  Dedicated to the memory of MJM

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR, Third Age - Pre LOTR, Third Age - War of the Ring | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Denethor, Elrond, Faramir | Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 01/14/11 | Updated: 01/14/11 | Words: 1466 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1649